Only three individuals running for President in 2008 are unwilling to end the lives of anyone the U.S. legal system would prefer to execute. They are Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel, and Ron Paul. Of the three, Kucinich's actions have spoken loudest; the U.S. Representative from Ohio has actively introduced legislation to abolish the federal death penalty.
John McCain, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Tom Tancredo, Mike Huckabee, Bill Richardson, Alan Keyes, Duncan Hunter, Sam Brownback, Rudy Giuliani, favor the death penalty and would like our justice system (or is that injustice system?) to stay the way it is.
Fred Thompson, former U.S. Senator from Tennessee, wants limits on the death penalty (in other words, control) but since he is not flat-out against it, he must fall on the side of the advocates.The same can be said of Christopher Dodd, the U.S. Senator from Connecticut, who would like to call a moratorium on the death penalty, but to what end? The duality of the definition of "moratorium" seems to imply that he either would like to see a (1) legally authorized period of delay in the performance of a legal obligation (extend waiting periods on death row?) or, (2) see "a suspension of activity" -- and since a suspended activity is one put on hold, for how long would he like to see the death penalty put on hold and why?
The sovereign right of an individual to be Pro Choice/Pro Life is under attack by government officials who would like to retain the freedom to put individuals to death for their crimes. If it is important to you to support a candidate who wishes to abolish the death penalty, your choices for the next American President are limited to Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel, and Ron Paul--the only three who do not think it is any man's right to take the life of another man.